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Dissolved Gas Analysis | Transformer Fault Protection |
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Dissolved Gas Analysis

Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) in power transformers is a critical component in condition-based maintenance (CBM) and in identifying faults and preventing unplanned transformer outages.
The gas levels in transformer oil can indicate the existence of a fault, and the rate of change in these levels can be used to determine its severity.


The key fault gases in the dissolved gas analysis DGA are, methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

What Makes Vaisala’s DGA Monitor Unique?
The Vaisala Optimus uses a patented Vacuum Gas Extraction technology, which results in a much more complete extraction of the dissolved gasses as compared to traditional Head Space and other separation methods.  This leads to more accurate and reliable results, independent of the oil type, age or the Total Dissolved Gases.
